Schnappi sunday

Sunday seems to be doomed. This was the third sunday in a row that I all my plans washed away and turned into a whole day of program fixing and monkey editing. I’m gonna skip sundays from now on.

Took some time in between to test my new toys I bought at the mediamarket yesterday: a headset (first goal is Skype) and a stereo microphone . My podcasting gear in combination with my Creative Nomad Jukebox3.

Honest? Hoped it would’ve been easier. The Nomad isn’t as flexible as my iPod I’m used to work with. I’ve been singing Schnappi whole day in the mic, driving the viking to crazyness (his own fault, that’s what happens when you turn up the volume in the car when Schnappi comes by 3 times/hour -while I adviced to switch stations). Results of the audio recordings were poor until now. Both audio and my voice capacities (if you wonder). Some more practice adviced.

By the way, you Dutch singers: it’s “schnappi das kleine krokodieeeelllll“. Not krokodil. Schnappi schnappi snap?

U zegt?
  1. VH says:

    I don’t like mondays, I wanna shoot the whole world down 😉

  2. Dafke says:

    Lieve god, ben ik blij dat ik niet in uw buurt rondloop. Snappi! Nen keer gehoord op coltrui zen blogje en twas niet echt fijn om te horen. Alvast succes e

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