Rising Sun
I’m not a celebrity spotter, but I couldn’t resist this little boat. The owner is Larry Ellison, Chief Executive Officer off Oracle Corporation.
There is a nice story to tell about the size of the ship. They say that the original plans were to build a yacht of 120 meters. While building the boat, Larry changed his mind and the boat now measures 138 meters. The “Rising Sun” costs over US$300 million. Let’s say US$1million/meter the ship measures.
So why did the length change? Another yacht, the one of Paul Allen (Microsoft Co founder)), was also being built by Lurssen around the same time. “Octopus” measures 127 meters, so there might have been a little competition between those two gentleman.
Allen is said to be in the top-10 list of richest people in the world. About the “Octopus”: Octopus cost Allen over US$200 million and has Permanent crew of 60, including several former Navy Seals.It has two helicopters, seven boats, a 10 man submarine and a remote controlled vehicle for crawling on the Ocean floor. The submarine has the capacity to sleep eight for up to two weeks underwater.
Bigger, biggest. Competition is not over yet.
je souhaite écrire à monsieur larry ellison, pouvez vous me communiquer son adresse, merci bien.
Cordialement, Yannig