Archive for June 8th, 2005

  • London Geek dinner: Doppies & Margaritas

    The day after.

    Some people were joking about the fact that we (the Doppies) were taking the Eurostar to London, “just for a Geek dinner”. I have to agree: it’s really geeky to do so.

    Was it worth the trip? Well, it was. For me a geek dinner equals to a mini conference.

    I met some interesting people. Of course there was number one Geek blogger Robert Scoble from Microsoft. He mentioned some interesting things during his speech. “Is he protected by his superiors?” Yes he is. “How does he know how far he can go in his role as a blogger?” He said: If you push a bit, you get pushed back a bit, but if you push too hard, it will come back to you the same way. And also: “Will you be sued one day?”, to which he replied: “Yes, I just don’t know when”.
    It must be tough (and feel like an explorer discovering new grounds): being Robert Scoble.

    Hugh MacLeod was the co-host of the event. For a marketeer, he’s a really down to earth guy. He’s got this really special gift: drawn a concept, an idea or even a conversation on a paper the size of a business card. He deserves a place in the book shop near Dilbert. When I rethink that: Dilbert is out. Hugh is in.

    Another great blogger I got to meet was Neville Hobson, also known from the excellent podcast “For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report”. Neville is a “real” communicator. I like his approach of communication: communicate today, but think tomorrow. He’s going to be an A-list blogger soon. No frozen margaritas for him. He’s into Palm (Belgian beer), but he promised to try something stronger next time he’s coming over to Belgium. Get ready for Duvel (devil) and Delirium Tremens Neville.

    I exchanged business card (need to make my own cards really soon) with Bruce Marshall, got some beers from David Topping (he’s going to blog very soon now) and met the guy who describes us as “two employees of Doppler”. Great. There’s only the two of us, you already know I’m not the programmer, so hey, I must be the CEO… hehe..

    So what’s this geek dinner all about?
    It’s about being part of “a” conversation. And that conversation it most of the time (and to much) situated in the US. We had to go to London, but hey, it’s a small world after all.

    Doppies & Margaritas, by Mahadewa.